Detox & Pressotherapy
Giving your body a chance to cleanse from the inside
I am excited to launch a new programme for those
what to cleanse and detox the body
who struggle with stress and fatigue
have better "glowing" skin
looking for fat loss, reduced cellulite
who have reduced immunity
heaviness in lower limbs
would like to take preventative action to maintain good health and lymphatic system
Prevention of vascular diseases
A detox is recommend at least twice a year and this programme includes a detox eating plan, and two/three pressotherapy sessions a week (45 minutes each) for 4 weeks.
By the end of the programme you will see and feel different and your body will thank you for it.
"I have been having Kinesiology treatments with Jill for some time now, so I know how important it is to get your Lymph moving. When she mentioned she was going to be running detox/Lymphatic draining programme I signed up immediately. There were two options, Eat Right 4 your Blood Type or Detox List (eating from a specific range of foods). As we had previously discussed the Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type, I chose that option along with 8 treatments on the Lymphatic drainage machine over a 4 week period.
I am very pleased with the results; I have lost 7lbs in weight, 2 inches around my waist, my upper arms & thighs are more toned and my friends have remarked that I now have a glow to me. I also notice my clothes aren’t as tight. Jill recommends a detox twice a year and next time I am going to try eating from the Pantry List along with the treatments on the Lymphatic drainage machine. The programme Jill offers is a highly effective way of losing weight and improving your skin."

What is Pressotherapy?
How it works with your lymphatic system
Pressotherapy (also known as a lymphatic drainage massage) helps to remove toxins and metabolic waste from the circulatory system and from the muscle tissues.
Pressotherapy is also well known for stimulating blood flow, which can reduce swelling, cellulite and improve the body.
Pressotherapy is specially necessary to eliminate excess fluid from the body in order to reduce oedema and puffiness, it normalizes the circulatory and lymphatic systems, prevents the development of varicose veins and the formation of deep vein thrombosis and reduces fatigue. This happens through a special massage by compressed air within a special suit connected to a device. According to research data, one session of such massage replaces several manual procedures or 2 workouts in the gym!
All you need to do is come into my practice, put on a special suit and relax.
Results are visible after the first treatment. ⠀⠀⠀
The procedures is 100% painless, fast, comfortable and without rehabilitation.

Why is detox important?
Our bodies are faced with a deluge of toxins on a daily basis and these toxins can have an affect on us mentally and physically. Symptoms can include chronic fatigue, insomnia, headaches, and disease and many more.
Toxins come from food, water, the environment, the products we use around the home to what we put on and in our bodies. The use of pesticides and pollutants has increased, toxic chemical use has increased, and our bodies are fighting to clear out the bad and maintain homeostasis.
A detox allows your lymphatic system, your organs such as the liver, kidneys, gut and lungs to clear toxins and together with pressotheraphy remove waste from the body effectively.