So what is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology – also known as Systematic Kinesiology – is a complete form of natural health care that uses muscle testing.
It works with the whole person, mentally, structurally, nutritionally and energetically. If we are unbalanced in one area, it will affect others.
Our bodies are an amazing piece of wondrous machinery which is constantly working, down to the minutest detail. Lifestyle problems cause imbalances which are often minor, however when they start to accumulate the body starts to compensate for them. If these compensations start to build, then functional changes occur. You may feel that these do not hinder you too much like back ache, headaches, bad skin, indigestion but if untreated, they will become persistent problems. It is important to recognise how valuable our body is and by addressing these imbalances through specialised lymphatic massage, nutrition, electrical balancing and emotional work, our health improves.
Systematic Kinesiology is non-invasive, drug-free and enormously empowering. It's all about putting you first and taking control of your health for the long term.