Kinesiology helps us to discover what's happening within the body and ascertain what areas of imbalance exist. We use the bodies muscles to test and whilst you may experience a tight muscle this is often caused by an opposing muscle weakness. A muscles ability to respond normally can be impaired for many reasons, inadequate nutrition, blood supply, lymphatic drainage, physical shock and even emotional disturbances. Messages are constantly being sent between the muscle and the brain through our central nervous system. We are literally talking to the body when we test muscles!
Through the nervous system, the lymphatic system, blood supply, cerebrospinal fluid and acupuncture meridians are activated. Meridians have been proved to exist by passing radioactive dye through them which then shows up on a Geiger counter. All these factors are all recognised by doctors, but in kinesiology we add a further two - Nutritional Reflex and Emotional Energy Reflex as we know that these two powerful and important factors play a huge part in our well being and health.

The seven factors
The Nerves - the core to treating the systems below.
Nero Lymphatic - The lymphatic system is a network of tissues, vessels and organs that work together to push fluid (lymph) back into your circulatory system. It is there to
maintain fluid levels
absorb fats from the digestive tract
protect your body from foreign invaders
transports and removes waste and abnormal cells from the body.
Part of a kinesiology treatment is to address the lymphatics for areas of weakness and help it to work efficiently and bring the system back into balance.
Neuro vascular - the brain and nerve centre! These points act between the brain and the nervous system and can be used to reprogramme your emotional and mental responses to stress and trauma. With kinesiology we have techniques that help to change these patterns and we use the Neuro vascular points when working on the weak muscle to switch that pattern.
Acupuncture Meridians - an energetic highway passing throughout the body allowing energy to flow. With kinesiology we use the meridians to help energise an imbalance in a energy flow which may be over or under energised. Meridians relate to organs and emotions so we can address this through our practice.
Cerebro-Spinal Fluid - is a clear fluid that protects your brain and spinal cord and picks up supplies from the blood and assists with getting rid of waste. Stagnation of this fluid can impair communication with the central nervous system. With kinesiology we can stimulate the flow through nutrition and various techniques.
Nutritional reflex - This is a whole subject on its own, but due to varying environmental, physical and emotional factors, our body is often imbalanced due to some lack of nutrition. Within kinesiology we can test this against the muscle to find exactly what is required.
Emotional reflex - We can all think of times we have had a shock, a loss, or felt low, these are all tagged in the brain and can often alter the body on an ongoing basis unless it is addressed. We can work through various techniques to change additions, phobias, general emotions that affect our well being and mental health.
Can we stay in perfect balance?
Life changes on a daily basis from a muscle strain, an emotional upset, a bit of indigestion, an aching joint and the sea of negativity that surrounds us in the media. It would be almost impossible to stay perfectly balanced all the time. However our body is so good at compensating we tend not to notice it until functional change takes place and then we might use medication to help. This could continue on a downward spiral till you need to ask for medical help. So why not take control of your health now? Do you know someone who might benefit? please direct them to this blog to help them understand kinesiology.
Taking control of your health and supporting your body is a preventative measure which we believe is so important to long term healthy well being.
I would love to help you achieve your health and well being goals. Please get in touch via the contact form or call me on 01252 793456.