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What is a strong immune system?

Jill Cook

Updated: Sep 15, 2021

The 'Immune' word gets bandied around a lot, especially as we come into Autumn but what does it mean to have a strong immune system?

The balancing game

For years I had been totally unaware that I had autoimmune issues, where the body mistakenly attacks your body instead of getting rid of the bad guys. I just put my feelings of lack of energy, tiredness, aches and niggles, and digestive issues down to life and stresses of daily living. But boy, when your body starts working for you and not against you what a difference. I use that little word 'stress' lightly, but it plays a huge part in your immune being strong and a big part of my recovery was looking at those stresses past and present and addressing the emotional as well as physical sides. So a strong immune system is all about getting the balance right in many areas which include:

  • Looking at stress - what is stressing you and how you can change that

  • Good sleep pattern - are you getting enough quality and restful sleep

  • Eating well - is your nutrition supporting you - is the balance right and is your body able to process and use all that you take on board

  • Digestion - 50% of immune is having a good digestive system

Vital vitamins

Most people know about vitamin C as it has been widely publicised for many years. Following COVid there was much publicity about Vitamin D and how important it is for us, but Vitamin A is also vitally essential to the preservation of the immune system. It helps to preserve the integrity of the mucous membranes of the lungs and digestive tract, the spleen and liver, which in turn helps us to detoxify our bodies. It also supports all the things like eyes, throats (wet tissues areas) yet most people are lacking in adequate vitamin A.

Vitamin B which comes in many forms and supports many areas such as sleep and calming the mind, supporting the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and protein into energy. Vitamin E without getting too technical, is best coming from natural sources and containing a mix of tocopherols. Vitamin E is a key antioxidant nutrient that plays a big part in the immune but also helps to protect from many common degenerative diseases prevalent in modern society including heart disease, tumours and joint disease.

Helping hands

It is difficult to know where to start and what is the best route to go and which supplements to take, and this is where I find Kinesiology incredible as the body lets us know whats needed whether it be on a nutritional, structural, emotional or energetical level. It helps us to build a strong immune system supporting all areas we have looked at, helping us to understand our bodies better and the importance of what is happening inside. Restoring balance from within is key.

If you would like to book an immune balance please get in touch with me, Jill via the contact form or call me on 07980776999

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