Daffodils and crocuses are starting to appear, the days are getting longer, and the leaves will be bursting forth, showing us the beautiful palette of spring greens. Also, it makes us feel like we need to "spring clean ourselves," so this blog offers some tips to help you do that. Your body needs some investment and energy to be the best it can be.

How can we spring clean our bodies from the inside out? Take a look at some of these tips!
Tip #1 - dry body brush
Before jumping in the shower spend a couple of minutes dry brushing the whole body. Starting from the legs upwards, and fingers to shoulders, always towards the heart. This stimulates the capillaries and blood flow. It increases circulation and energy and helps to get rid of dead skin cells.
Tip #2 - follow the blood group plan
Give your body the food it needs and it will thrive. 'O's don't do well on diary products and grains, 'A's are primarily a vegetarian diet and have a sensitive immune system so eating the right foods really helps to support this. 'B's are able to eat dairy and meat, but chicken is not good due to agglutinating lectin in the muscle tissue. 'AB's are the rare 2-5% in the world need support for the digestion process and being aware of immune/mucus , respiratory issues. If you want to know more about which foods to eat I have sheets which I can email out to you. Just get in touch.
Tip #3 - Start the cleanse using the healthy starter pack
This is a 10 day cleanse for the heart/circulation, kidneys, liver, and digestive system. It is a great kick start to get you motivated for a clean diet and giving your organs a cleanse. As Monday 20th is officially the start of Spring I will be starting the 10 day cleanse and if you could like to join in just email me and let me know I and I will send you daily tips, recipes etc out to those involved. I have a limited number of the HEALTHY STARTER PACKS on special offer at £22. email me if you would like one.
Tip #4 - Hydration
Often it is hard to drink cold water during the winter months, but water (still and filtered preferably) is a great way to help flush the toxins from the body. Fabulous for the skin, digestive system and kidneys. It boosts energy and helps with regulating our body temperature. A key element to helping to cleanse the body and look and feel different inside and out.
Tip #5 - Support your Lymphatic system
Your lymphatic system is there to support the blood with removing toxins and replenishing the blood with the 'good stuff'. This is where the Pressotherapy comes in, as it is fantastic for this massaging deeply to stimulate the lymph and bring about so many positive results. If you would like to try a session I am offering a single session for £25 - HALF PRICE for anyone wanting to try it.
Tip #6 - exercise and get outside
Movement and exercise - according to your blood type is a great way to get the body moving helping to energise the body, improve flexibility and challenge the circulatory system. it motivates and enhances our mood. Spring is the perfect time to get more time outdoors.
Tip #7 - Review your toxin levels
Our lotions, shampoos and deodorants all have toxins which affect our body negatively. Our household products, cleaning equipment and food we are eating are having negative effects on our body. Our phones, tablets, computers, wifi have been proved to have negative effects so take a step back and look at what you can improve or change. How much time you could reduce down being near screens, what products could you swap out. I would personally recommend a company called EMF Home Harmony, that supply energy dots to place on phones and tablets etc and also systems to protect against WiFi. https://www.emfhomeharmony.co.uk/ Use the code HH to get free postage.
Ready to take action?
If I can help in any way please get in touch, any questions you might have? If you are having any gut issues please let me know, as a kinesiology session is fabulous at getting the gut back into action again. Happy Spring Cleaning!