On average over a third of our population suffers with some form of back ache and mostly those who do carry on in life with it are taking pain killers on a regular basis or just "living with the pain".
Within kinesiology we know a lot of back pain often relates to the digestive system, which would explain why many people are unable to get fixed or maintain a fix with manipulation of muscles, and/or the spine.

Emotions can also play a big part in affecting our digestive tract as they generally become tense and tighten through stress and trauma.. The ligaments and connective tissue which hold the bowel in place are connected to other organs and structures like the pelvis. Therefore, these particular ligaments and connective tissue have a significant effect on the stability of the pelvis and lower back. Within the small and large intestine there are values which help to move food along and when these are not functioning properly constipation and /or loose bowels can occur., together with back pain. Often client will comment "the back pain just started from nowhere".
At least 50% of the clients I have seen recently are all struggling with some level of back pain and have gut issues and often we can find an emotional trauma that has affected them in the past which most likely started the down turn within the gut and back.
When pain affects us in the lower back, lumbar region it often causes pain in the upper cervical area and therefore it is important to look at how we can treat these areas and what they are relating to whether it be in digestion and absorption or emotional trauma or experiences.
Personally I used to suffer with incredible back pain, sciatica all down my left side, which left me with difficulty sitting and bending and massive headaches which would go on for months. When I look back now I wonder how I managed as now when an odd niggle appears I am straight on it with treatment because I know I can now live without pain. Having experienced this, I so want to help people recognise they do not need to live with this pain and bring back enjoyment to life.
If you would like to discuss any back pain issue or want to start treating the pain now, or know someone who would benefit from treatment, please get in touch jill@healthharmony.uk