The founder of Systematic Kinesiology sent a message recently to all practitioners which really resonated with me and I wanted to share some of it with you.

“The entire world has been paralysed with a carefully organised, relentless barrage of propaganda intended to create FEAR. Fear is contagious, weakens the immune system, and is spiritually debilitating.
FEARLESSNESS is also infectious. It strengthens the immune system, and uplifts the spirits. As a practitioner we have access to powerful tools that can defeat fears, phobias and anxieties, and help to restore people to a more positive mental attitude.”
Now whether you agree or not with the initial statement, fear is around us on a daily basis. The cost of food, rising energy bills, our mortgage rate, war and its effect on our country, abuse in care homes, floods and extreme weather conditions - that’s just today's headlines!
Fear in one of its many forms can fester within the body and cause many issues to arise such as insomnia, bladder issues, stomach and gut issues. It changes your mood and without a doubt affects your immune system. Fear can also be derived from a present or past trauma which can alter how we go about our day to day lives. It can manifest itself through the body physically and mentally.
So what can we do to help yourself?
Ask yourself what could I do to create a calmer safer place within my body and how can you let of the fear that is troubling me? Here are some ideas:
Removing daily news, radio, apps, TV news
Meditation, yoga or some exercise
Talking things through with someone you trust
Positive affirmations - I release and let go of............
Tapping technique - to dispel fear by tapping under the eye, midway whilst thinking about where you FEEL the fear or anxiety in your body and concentrate on that dispersing as you tap Stomach One.
Use Aspen or Mimulus Bach remedies to help adjust your mood.
Gratitude journal to bring about positive thoughts and gratitude.

Fearlessness is infectious, it is uplifting, positive and energises our body. Remember you are the only one who thinks in your mind. You are the power and authority in your world so you have the power to change. Be FEARLESS!
If you feel you need more help - you know where I am.