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Time to detox and cleanse your body?

Jill Cook

Updated: Dec 7, 2021

After the excess of Christmas it often feels really good to give the body a chance to reset. Detox is often thought of as food excess but it is also daily life, the chemicals that surround us from cleaning products, hand sanitizers, to blue light from phones, computers and TV. Stresses and all the bugs and viruses often play a part too. a cleanse sets you up for the new year in a positive way.

What does a cleanse achieve?

  • Detoxifies the liver

  • Purifies the kidneys

  • Cleanses the blood stream

  • Cleanses the lymph

  • Cleanses the small and large intestine

  • Cleanses the skin

Join me in a cleanse and detox programme for January

Start 2022 by taking control of your health. This special package will include:

  • A 10 day detox programme of supplements to cleanse your kidneys, liver, blood stream, lymph, small and large intestine and the skin.

  • A bottle of chlorophyll which will help to cleanse the blood

  • A one hour treatment which will include a energy balance, retrograde lymphatic massage and an endocrine balance.

  • Tips and advice on what to eat, and how to support the detox programme.

For just £85 (if you want to start at the beginning of January I will need your order by 19 December).

Helping your body to be it's best

A detox can help you increase your energy levels and circulation, boost your immune system, reduce stress and improve your sleep and concentration.

It will cleanse your body to eliminate harmful toxins and ensure your vital organs are working at their best. You can help the body too by cutting out saturated fat, processed sugar and alcohol during the detox process. Exercising and eating clean – lean protein, complex carbs and fresh fruit and veg. The pack will include some tips on all of this.

If you would like to join me for the cleanse please get in touch via the contact form or call me on 07980776999.

A deposit of £35 will be required.

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