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Why knowing your blood group is important

Jill Cook

Your blood group is the equivalent to your fingerprint, its part of your individual DNA. The four main blood groups O, A, B and AB have developed historically as we moved from hunter gatherers, through to the agrarian age, then as humans migrated north into colder and harsher temperatures Type B emerged as a modern adaption of mix of varying groups.

Growing up I was fed a very meat and two veg diet, one of those being potatoes. once I was looking after myself I started to explore eating a wider variety of foods but still very meat based. When I came across the blood type food plan and found out I was blood group A, it was a bit of a shock. A vegetarian based food plan. I decided to follow the plan gradually I started to notice changes within my body - for starters my cholesterol dropped from 7.2 to 4.8 in 3 months - why? because in a type A digestive tract red meats and saturated fats struggle to be processed and leads to cardiovascular problems (which run historically in my family) and typical of blood A. Stopping cows milk and cheese products meant my cough disappeared Weight came off without even trying. Bloating went down, Energy went up and sleep improved.

So take a look at the list below and if you associate with 4 or more of these maybe its time to look into your blood group and take a look at the plan for your type.

  • do you suffer with digestive cramps, bowel inflammation or IBS?

  • do you experience bloating 30-60 minutes after meals

  • do you suffer from joint pain , aches or stiffness- maybe worse after eating?

  • do your symptoms increased 30-60 minutes after eating

  • have you been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

  • do you suffer with seasonal allergies

  • do you experience cloudy thinking 30-60 minutes after food.

  • do you suffer with skin issues, acne, rosacea, eczema?

  • do you suffer with low thyroid function

  • do you experience fatigue over the course of the day?

  • are you experiencing weight gain, even after cutting calories?

  • do you experience nasal stuffiness, persistent throat clearing, especially after meals?

  • does your red or white blood count run low or low to normal?

  • menopausal women - do you experience excessive symptoms (hot flushes etc)

  • men - do you experience erectile dysfunction

  • men - have you been told you have enlarged prostate

  • children - has the child been diagnosed with a learning difficulty?

Blood Group O - O equals OLD .

O thrives on intense physical exercise, and animal protein. You are the hunter gatherer. the body needs high quality proteins, lots of fruit and vegetables and minimal grains.

In addition to exercising and eating the right foods - eat seated at a table. slow down and chew food and take lots of aerobic exercise.

Blood Group A - A equals Agrarian

Living off the land an mainly vegetarian/plant based diet accompanied by an exercise routine that calms and supports the nervous system. The Blood Type Diet's proactive mix of lifestyle strategies, hormonal equalizers, gentle exercise and specialized dietary guidelines will maximize your overall health; decrease your natural risk factors for cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The result: high performance, mental clarity, greater vitality and increased longevity.

Blood Group B - B equals Balance

A coming together of O and A but with some very individual characteristics such as chicken not being good for a B but turkey is okay. exercise sits in the middle of the relaxation exercise required of an A and high intensity of an O. so a bit of both serves you well.

Blood Group AB - Modern - AB equals The Enigma

Modern day merging of the two bloods A & B. (a chameleon's response to changing environments, a sensitive digestive tract and overly tolerant immune systems and able to respond well to stress. the AB group is rare and about 2-5% of the population. Again dietary wise there is a mix and whilst some proteins are good for the AB chicken again is not. Like an A low stomach acid makes it more difficult to digest meats so be cautious and eat beneficial meats for your group. An AB does not respond well to continual confrontation and like an A needs to consider slow calming exercise like tai chi, yoga to help with how they deal with stress.

Want to find out more?

I would thoroughly recommend Dr Peter D'Adamo's book Eat Right 4 Your Type. If you want to find out your blood type there are several blood test kits available on line to purchase.

Within systematic kinesiology we use this way of eating to support the blood and give the body what it needs, helping to balance up naturally the bodies requirement. If you would like to know more please get in touch.

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